La Satanée is a French illustrator living and working in Nantes, France. She was born in 1987 and studied graphic design in the south of France before moving to Paris to work as an art director in several design agencies, and then as a freelancer. At the same time, she was developing her illustrative style which is strongly influenced by medieval art, Renaissance paintings, occult imagery, Symbolism and the engravings of Albrecht Dürer. Her work is also inspired by literature and folklore from Europe and Asia. Today, La Satanee is focussing on drawing for publishing and music.

♱ features
Vampire Squid (Sauvage Artwork) 2018, SKULLFUKKED BY GHOULS Magazine ISSUE #5 (Sauvage Artwork) 2019, Heretik #15 January-February 2020, Han Han n°20 La Faim du Monde March 2020, Curieux Aparté (Time Corp Gallery) January 2021, RADIO METAL Numéro #5 July-August 2021, SPARKS January 2023, Interview C'est toi la radio March 2023

♱ exhibitions
Time Corp Gallery (Paris, France), September, 2020 — May, 2022
(Nantes, France), November 17, 2022 — February 6, 2023
BIB FESTIVAL #3 (Nantes, France), October 14 & 15, 2023
Exposition Femmes Obscures (Nantes, France), March 14 — March 26, 2024
Exposition Le Cabinet de L'oracle, Galerie La Lison (Paris, France), June 20 — Jully 20, 2024

♱ contact me
💌  lasatanee[at]
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